Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Long time, no nothing!

Its pretty bad when you go to sign in and you have to take a couple seconds to remember your password! I doubt many will read this because I havent updated for about 5 months, but I had some extra minutes before my next interview comes in so I thought I share some updated info!

Can I just say one word to explain our lives?? BUSY. I know, I know, very cliche', but SO true!

I think you can have good busy, and bad busy, luckily ours is GOOD busy. VERY good busy.

We are having a complete blast here in Spokane! I cant believe it's been 8 months! Are you kidding me? How crazy is that. Its been such a blurr. Looking back on the past 8 months is pretty wild. When we first got here it took 2 months for us to get our licences transferred in order to be paid on ANY business. Finally after that got taken care of we were able to really get to work. Our business has absolutely exploded! We are perfectly on track to having our very own office by this July. SO EXCITING! What a great opportunity it is. I often find myself thinking in amazement at how blessed we are. We work this business together, and by doing so are able to have the same goals, dreams, visions, and determination to be successful. Its incredible! How many people at our age are able to work together and have a successful business thats continually growing and thriving? Plus, we have the most loving and supportive family one could ever ask for, and the best calling in church-Sunbeam teachers! :)

Its been so fun. This last weekend Bodie was in a 20 hr loan class to become a loan officer (woohoo!) and so I had the sunbeams all to myself. 6 of them! CRAZY. It was quite the handfull but such a great experience, as is every week.

So basically for the past 5 months we've been working hard building a business, loving our little sunbeams, and enjoying every second of eachother. Well...maybe not every second, but most of the time! ;)

I had my 23rd Birthday last Wednesday which was great. I did some shopping, then we went to dinner @ Black Angus, and to a movie with some good friends/business partners. It was a great day.

Life is good, and I wouldn't change a thing! Although, I do miss Utah and especially our family! Cant wait to see you guys! (Hopefully you get your little behinds here someday! *hint hint*)

Until next time


Joe'n'Jess said...

I read your blog Katie! don't worry, some of us still remember you. i don't think you realize what you are suggensting with visitors. you may end up with a crazy couple and their terrible two's twins! We are still trying to decide where we want to end up, and you make spokane sound awesome!

chaliese said...

WOW!! A post! I was so excited to read it!! I'm glad to hear all is still going well!! Next time your in utah and not super busy give me a call, it's been FOREVER!!!

AMY said...

And yes I did read your blog. I always wait for updates! Im glad things are going good for you guys! Thats awesome. Happy late bday

The Pearson's said...

F.I.N.A.L.L.Y you blogged! Ha! Jk! I check your blog every now again to see if u have blogged! So I am happy you did! I am so happy for you both! Things sound so great with the business! That's awesome! Oh and the little ones at church! Bless your hearts! HA! I know what its like! You going to Ut anytime soon? We will be home all summer it would be good to see you guys! Keep the posts comin!

njkilfoyle said...

Hi Bodie its Nikki!! How are ya? Hope all is well!!

meag said...

hey katie, yeah my sister in law who is an esthetician uses this stuff too and loves it. i've thought about using it but didnt know quite how to depart from my bare minerals, but i will definetely give it a try. thanks!!!